Saturday, 20 March 2010

Algo curioso de signos que achei na internet. Postando neste e não no outro blog, o meu, de aquário. Nossa, ri demais.
(Tá em inglês)
You try to look like an eccentric and rebellious person, some sort of prophet who would offer "the" truth. Actually, you so completely lack profundity that you do everything you can in order to compensate this flaw. You are deeply aware of the fact that you are only one sheep among many others, but you just can't accept this idea! Therefore, you desperately strive to stand out of the crowd, and you display your nonconformism, but sometimes the situation gets out of control, and you become a misfit, totally maladjusted to your environment. So, don't complain that no one wants to be your friend! To you, friendship is a sacred value, but have you got an idea of what it actually is? You are so deeply detached and impersonal (and yes, your apparent eccentricity compensates this) because you are too cerebral and you steer clear of intimate relationships and personal secrets. . It is even worse when it comes to love relationships! Your chronic independence would hurt a great many partners... You claim to be generous and altruistic, but don't you think that these values don't belong to theories and should spring from the heart? Stop believing that you are an inventive genius in the vanguard because otherwise, one of these days, you will end up in a psychiatric hospital...

hihihi ri muito =)


Pedro said...


Nydia said...

OI, Lua!

Sobre a Roda do Ano, eu sempre sigo a do nosso hemisfério mesmo, faz mais sentido pra mim. Por exemplo, sábado celebrei Mabon, pois é o equinócio de Outono, o primeiro dia dessa estação, então pramim, nada mais natural do que celebrá-la. Ostara deixo pra mais tarde, já que é no equinócio da Primavera, e não me sentiria à vontade celebrando agora. Mas muita gente acompanha a Roda do hemisfério norte como você, nada demais, no fim das contas. Só não consigo por que não me faz sentido! :o)
Adorei o artigo sobre seu signo, muito engraçado!

Beijos da Nydia.